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IIS Subdirectory Blog is 404 erroring for Permalinks, Eurl Axd GUID is Appended

Published by: King (4/27/2011 5:18:31 PM)

APR 27 2011

I am trying to setup a blog with iis7 but I am getting page not found(404) errors for all blog pages. I have enabled permalinks for blog pages and posts. I keep getting "Eurl Axd" with a guid appended to the title that I can see on the page. I also enabled ISAPI_Rewrite 3 for IIS but no luck yet.


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Name: San

I had the similar issue and it took 1 day to figure out the problem. If you have ASP.NET framework v4.0 then role back to v2.0.

Name: psyk

I had also an issue even if the ASP.NET Framework was well defined (error 404 on subdir but main working fine).

Solved this by going to the IIS Manager > Server (name of your machine) > Web Service Extension

In the list the ASP.NET vxxxx was prohibited; changed it to allowed and it did work (but it was under IIS6 not 7)

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