How to Make a Web 2.0 Web Page
Creating Web Pages with Web 2.0 Standards
Published by: San (9/20/2007)
There are already 288,000,000 search results from google on this title but I am writing this article to make it very simple and straight to the objective. The objective is to make web 2.0 web pages. The web sites made earlier were less targeted to user’s requirements; hence the goal was never cleared to user. When search engine became popular and business owners started worrying about users’ requirement then they started to realize, they pondered on user’s requirements and used cases.
The web pages should be very simple, no complexity, passing straight and clear messages and clear navigations between the pages to make a user’s life easy.
Designing Simple Web Pages:
Designing simple web page means, the template should pass the w3c validation, it should have needed metatags. The text used should be very clear, messages and alerts are to be eye catching not flashy and irritating. Use of graphics, flash and high resolution images is the hindrances on creating simple pages, try avoiding object which makes a page more than 15 kb. The bigger size pages take time to load and in general people try to go back or close the web page when it takes more than 5 sec to load. Try to use CSS and Javascripts to create curvy structures instead of images so that you can reduce the page size.
The Metatags for Web Pages:
Metatags are the most essential in current generation of web pages. You will notice them inside the HEAD section of the page and current generation pages can’t afford to miss any of the metatags. At least we expect a page to serve with TITLE, Description and Keyword tags. It’s always advised to use all other metatags to provide more information related to a web page. Web considers all the web pages to be unique so more information it finds on the page is better from search engine prospective. To get the best out of a page the keywords and title are needed to be well optimized with a comprehensible description.
Clear Navigation:
Navigation through web pages should be extremely easy and user friendly. User should have 0 level difficulties in finding their needed information from a website so support a website with all kinds of search options. Links used for navigation should be clearly visible and images are needed to be distinctive. It is not advisable to use the dipper level of tree structures to find a page, sorter trees used to find a page are better for search engines as well. A site map is the must for a website in current generation, if you don’t have a site map yet then make it fast and create one at least.
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