How to Code and Decode an URL
Published by: San (2/5/2008)
FEB 5 2008
I am passing my variable values in URL so I need to encode and decode it properly. I don't want to pass some character where page not found pops up as a 404 error.
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Name: Nisa
You can use vbscript built-in function for CODE and customize function for DECODE.
ENCODE: Server.URLEncode(display)
DECODE: Function URLDecode(sDecode)
Dim aSplit
Dim oDecode
Dim I
If IsNull(sDecode) Then
URLDecode = ""
Exit Function
End If
' replace all pluses to spaces
oDecode = REPLACE(sDecode, "+", " ")
' convert %hexdigits to character
aSplit = Split(oDecode, "%")
If IsArray(aSplit) Then
oDecode = aSplit(0)
For I = 0 to UBound(aSplit) - 1
oDecode = oDecode & _
Chr("&H" & Left(aSplit(i + 1), 2)) &_
Right(aSplit(i + 1), Len(aSplit(i + 1)) - 2)
End If
URLDecode = oDecode
End Function